Nine contestants endured 4 rounds of speed-eating challenges, all within 1 hour on Saturday, September 10th in downtown Fond du Lac. At Fondue Fest, we hosted the first ever Fondue Feast Challenge and crowned the Fastest Eater in Fondy winner to Kayla Mueller. Kayla also received a $100 Downtown Fond du Lac Gift Certificate!
The bottom two finishers from each round were eliminated until there were 3 people remaining for the Final Round. Here are the results:
1st: Kayla Mueller
2nd: Miguel “The Dominican” Munoz
3rd: Cody Deitsch
Eliminated in Round 3: Trevor Schrauth, Patrick “The Irish Assassin” O’Loughlin
Eliminated in Round 2: Jeffery “Cliffy” Fell, Jason Filipiak
Eliminated in Round 1: Tommy “The Duct King of Fond du Lac County” Thorn, Samantha Rumbuc-Schrauth
Congratulations to all our contestants!
And thank you Event Partners!